On 1/24/22 01:30, Robert-André Mauchin wrote:

So I have an annoying bug that started near the beginnings of F35.
My papirus-icon-theme became very slow to install:

During the installation, all the files are copied, then renamed by rpm (no idea why it works like this).

It works fast in a Mock chroot but incredibly slow on bare metal.

I've done a small test of moving files:

[root@cassini icons]# mkdir test
[root@cassini icons]# for (( i = 0; i < 10000; i++ )) do > test/file_$i; done
[root@cassini icons]# cd test

On host:

time $(for f in *; do     mv "$f" "${f%}.txt"; done)
real    2m3,500s
user    0m3,966s
sys     2m0,431s

In nspawn container:

<mock-chroot> sh-5.1# time $(for f in *; do     mv "$f" "${f%}.txt"; done)
real    0m6.702s
user    0m4.237s
sys     0m3.344s

Since papirus-icon-theme contains more than 100,000 (small) files, it is a problem. One minute of waiting is ok, 20 mn is not.

What can cause this? I read that nspawn virtualizes the file system, could it be file system related on the host? (I use btrfs btw)

Any input welcome!

Best regards,


Thanks to Panu, it has been determined that the install process of papirus-icon-theme spends most of its time labeling the 100,000 files. Installing the rpm with rpm -i --nocontexts makes it happen in a reasonable time.
Is there a way to bypass this step from within the SPEC itself?
It started to happen around F35, do you think I should try to raise a bug with SELinux? I don't know how to diagnose this better.

Any input appreciated.

Best regards,

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