On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 23:05:01 +0100, Jiri wrote:
>> - if you think ABRT is not providing a good info for you packages, then
>> please write me an email how to improve it
> Could you please add another hurdle that tries to stop users from not
> filling in the empty fields about how to reproduce a problem? Backtraces
> [plus the source code] can tell a tale, but they are not always
> sufficient. And a bit of background about what caused an app to
> malfunction can be very helpful. Fedora users need to understand that.


To the above I should add, in many cases, I need the full list of
packages (with version-release) that are installed in the user's
system. Please add this too.

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