Dne 23. 02. 22 v 19:22 Dmitry Butskoy napsal(a):
Ben Beasley wrote:
Yes, the devtoolsets work nicely if you supply the appropriate incantations. I 
haven’t tried in COPR specifically
I've just tried and it seems that devtoolset are not available for epel7 builds in Copr. (For epel7, I successfully build seamonkey with devtoolset already for years :) )

There is a possibility to use an additional external repo for Copr. But there 
are issues with this.

First, the appropriate CentOS repo http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/sclo/x86_64/rh/ does not have the latest llvm packages (for clang) -- say, llvm-toolset-11-* . (BTW, why??)

Second, the alternate Springdale Linux repo http://springdale.princeton.edu/data/springdale/SCL/7/x86_64/ seems to have all the ones (which are provided in sources by RedHat), but cannot be used in Copr. Springdale provides devtoolset-3-elfutils there, and it in some strange way  badly correlates with the initial Copr build environment (even before the rpmbuild process starts). Some python2 module cannot find libelf.so.1 ...

That is because it is SCL package. It installs the library to


You have to run

  scl enable devtools-3 $COMMAND

to make this library available.

More about SCL here:


including Packaging guide.

So the general questions are:
- Whether it is possible to enable "rhel7-server-rhscl-7" and friends for epel7 builds in Copr? (See https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taginfo?tagID=259 for more info);

Copr tries to use as much as possible upstream Mock's config. AFAIK it is 
enabled there:


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