Once upon a time, Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> said:
> One of the most problematic things are transitive BuildRequires:
> Even if you know you need to keep libfoo.i686 and libbar.i686, how do
> you determine the transitive dependencies that are needed to keep
> those packages around?
> And by that, I don't only mean Requires, but also transitive
> BuildRequires, i.e. if libfoo BuildRequires foolangc, which
> BuildRequires some other stuff, etc, all of which still needs to be
> there, or at some point, libfoo.i686 will either fail to build or fail
> to install.

All the necessary info is in the source RPM BuildRequires.  Yes, you'll
need a script to build the list recursively, but... that's not that

> I have thought about this issue for months before submitting this
> Change proposal, and it's the best I think we can do without breaking
> tons of stuff or requiring massive amounts of work from the Change
> owner (me). At this point, I do think that a safe and officially
> encouraged opt-out mechanism for individual package maintainers is the
> only way we can do this *safely* at all.

There are almost 23,000 source RPMs in rawhide.  You are proposing a
change that puts virtually all the effort on the maintainers of the
majority of those packages, rather than write a script yourself (which
should not be "massive amounts of work").

It's easy to propose something when somebody else has to do the work;
please instead put some work in yourself (or don't propose the change).
Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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