Michal Schorm kirjoitti 22.3.2022 klo 18.23:

I'm trying to answer this question:
"Under which license are the contributions done to Fedora Project,
unless license is specified - and how make this clear to the
contributors (or whether we make this clear enough)".
The answer is _probably_ FPCA [1].

But I've run into practical questions of how contributions can be made
to the Fedora Project in the first place. Let's start with
contributions to Fedora Linux.


The first Google result for "Fedora pull request" query points to [2].
On the first glance it looks fine, but it has two major issues.
1/ The instructions won't work and are holey
2/ It is a page under a "Fedora CI" project.

Nowadays, we have a way for contributors outside of the 'packager'
group to make pull requests. It is a git push via HTTPS [3].
Neither [2] nor [3] describes that you need to have a FAS account
first, since without it you can't log in the pagure to fork a project
(otherwise there's nowhere you can push to).
I wanted to propose an update, but ...

... this leads to a belief that such an important piece of
documentation should be probably placed outside of the "Fedora CI"
project, as it can be generalized to any project.
What could be this better location for a new documentation page to
which other pieces of documentation would point to?

The CI docs page does not seem to explain doing pull requests to the CI project, but to Package Sources at src.fedoraproject.org. I suppose the CI project documents the process, because some of the CI is supposed to run on pull requests. (But I am not sure if any useful CI actually runs — I personally have not ever seen any useful CI results for pull requests to packages.)

A better place for that information would be the Package Maintainer Docs. Current coverage is very thin [1]. A ticket about making it better was opened recently [2]. Contributions are welcome!

[1]: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/package-maintainers/Package_Maintenance_Guide/#using_fedpkg_anonymously
[2]: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/package-maintainer-docs/issue/66
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