On 24.03.22 09:49, Sandro Mani wrote:

On 14.03.22 23:50, Sandro Mani wrote:

As per [1] I'll be landing mingw-gcc-12.0.1 and mingw-binutils-2.38 towards the end of the week. I've completed test-builds here [2].

Looks like there is an ABI incompatibility (std::__once_functor went away), I'll need to rebuild all dependent mingw packages:


This is now done. These failures remain to be resolved:

mingw-freeimage: error: '__mingw_uuidof' was not declared in this scope => needs further investigation

mingw-libvirt: runtime error: file ../docs/page.xsl line 223 element element => would be fixed by updating to libvirt-8.1.0

mingw-llvm: malloc(): invalid size (unsorted); collect2: fatal error: ld terminated with signal 6 [Aborted], core dumped => needs further investigation, possible binutils bug?

mingw-qt5-qtdeclarative: undefined reference to `QQmlPrivate::Constructors<QTestRootObject, true>::createSingletonInstance' => will attempt to merge patches of native package

wine: /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool: {dlls/winmm/libwinmm.cross.a,dlls/winmm/libwinmm.delay.a,dlls/oleaut32/liboleaut32.delay.a,dlls/oleaut32/liboleaut32.cross.a}: No such file or directory => possible parallel build issue, -j1 attempt ongoing https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=84810799

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