Rijul Gulati kirjoitti 15.5.2022 klo 21.05:
Hello Fedora,

My name is Rijul Gulati. I am a Software Developer from India.

I have been using Linux for a couple of years now, and would like to contribute 
to the fedora project.

Welcome Rijul! Contributions are much appreciated.

I would like to start contributing as a Package maintainer, and then would 
probably branch out to other domains (core development/infrastructure is what I 
would like to get involved in as well.),

Are there any packages looking for new maintainers? Or maintainers looking for 
someone to adopt their packages? I would like to give them a try and adopt some 
Please let me know how I can start.

Yes there are.
Periodically, mails with title "Orphaned packages looking for new maintainers" are sent to this list.
You can check the latest one [1] if there is anything you are interested in.

I also suggest that you check Bugzilla for any open issues in packages that you actually use.
If you find any,
you can see if you can fix them and submit pull requests to those packages.
It is more motivating to work on packages that you actually use,
and submitting pull requests gets you started easier than trying to tackle the sponsorship process right away.

If anything is unclear, please ask!

[1]: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/V73JRRCDZ532RVZ2UFVGMDS4AAQYU4RV/
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