On 5/19/22 3:27 AM, Zdenek Dohnal wrote:

- Till Kamppeter wrote printer applications which covers all printer drivers in Debian distribution - we don't have any additional printer driver package in Fedora, so all our driver packages are covered as well

Since there were some questions the last time this came up, see this[0] gnome-control-center upstream discussion for how printer applications may be integrated into the desktop environment printer configuration.

- printer applications (the solution for driver-only printers how to work with IPP-only CUPS) are available as SNAPs in Fedora (feel free to try them and leave feedback at the respective OpenPrinting project https://github.com/orgs/OpenPrinting/repositories ), packaging them as RPMs is blocked due dependency on cups-filters 2.0, which is not released yet (though IIRC someone from Fedora community - maybe Brandon Nielsen - has them in copr)

That would be me[1], though I haven't been giving them the attention they need lately.


[0] - https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/-/issues/1878
[1] - https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/nielsenb/printer-apps/
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