indeed, this is why a proposal is to change the way grub measure things.

For example introducing a new PCR, for example PCR10, and a new command, 
"extend", that replay a command into the PCR without actually executing it.
This would mean for your above example, if we only limit to the last line, you 
would boot first your server with 


and you read a value of PCR10 = p0
Following an upgrade, you would unbind the luks decryption, run 
_tpm2_pcrextend  initrd (hd0,gpt2)/init.fc37.img
which brings PCR10 = p1,
then you can rebind the luks decryption key with PCR10 (and others)

The grub configuration now looks like
extend initrd 
initrd (hd0,gpt2)/init.fc37.img

Upon next boot, grub execute the extend command bringing PCR10 to p0, then 
measure the new "initrd (hd0,gpt2)/init.fc37.img" into it, bringing PCR10 to 
p1, so decryption can happen automatically.

The checksum of initrd can also be checked using grub with the hashsum command. 

(I realize this idea is not trivial at all. Nevertheless here's a build of grub 
with a patch that implement part of that
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