Once upon a time, Adam Williamson <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> said:
> There's some discussion in the bug about what might be causing this and
> potential ways to resolve it, and please do dig into/contribute to that
> if you can, but the other question here I guess is: how much do we care
> about this? How bad is it that you can't reliably run dnf operations on
> top of a minimal Fedora environment with 1G of RAM?

At $LASTJOB, I had a number of 1G VMs for low-overhead things like
caching DNS, DHCP, and RADIUS.  Those were mostly CentOS, but what
happens in Fedora makes its way there eventually.  Having the package
manager take more RAM than all the operational services combined is not
so good IMHO.

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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