Adding to what Vitaly has said:

The other question is where you get those signatures from. If upstream does not 
sign tarballs any more then there is nothing to check, sadly.

In a source-git based workflow, or if you roll your own using rpkg or such, you 
have the upstream source available so that you can verify the signature of a 
commit or tag from which you create a tarball. But, as Vitaly pointed out, 
builders have no way to check that signature "against the tarball"; it does not 
match our workflow.

I'm not sure I understand upstream's workflow problem, though. Is attaching 
assets to a github release cumbersome? If yes, and if they are suggesting to 
use a reproducible automatic tarball (from the likes of `git archive`), then it 
should be simple to script the following for their release process:

- download/build tarball from signed commit/tag
- sign the tarball
- tag the detached signature files as `%{name}-%{version}.sig` (tags can point 
to blobs), or commit them to a sig branch, or put them into a note object 
attached to the release commit or tag object, and push (if uploading/attaching 
as an asset) is too cumbersome

That way any downstream would have an upstream signature for "the" tarball 
(without upstream having to "create and upload" one).

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