Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:
> True. But is this annoyance bigger than updating dependent packages
> to load headers from a different location? Apparently many (most?)
> packages will need to use the compat headers at least for now, so that
> cost would be pretty high.

This depends mainly on how many different, and which in particular, build 
systems the applications using TBB are using. If they are all using one or 
two build systems which take centralized configuration (e.g., CMake), you 
just make that centrally installed configuration magically set the correct 
include directory and you are done with it. (That is how I had done the 
parallel-installability for kdelibs 4 next to kdelibs 3. The choice was to 
change kdelibs 4 rather than kdelibs 3 because almost all kdelibs 4 
applications use CMake.) At least assuming you can detect which version of 
TBB the application actually wants to use. (For CMake, the optional version 
argument to find_package is passed to the Find*.cmake or *Config.cmake 
module and can be used as a hint. If the application actually bothers 
passing it.) If they are using many different homegrown build systems, or 
ones like autotools that bundle copies of the detection code, then it will 
be a lot of work to set a custom include directory everywhere.

        Kevin Kofler
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