On Wed, 12 Apr 2023 10:39:44 +0200
Vít Ondruch <vondr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Dne 11. 04. 23 v 18:02 stan via devel napsal(a):
> >
> > I have the following defined in .bashrc:
> >
> > # this logs the history explicitly before exiting a shell
> > hx ()
> > {
> >    history -a;
> >    exit;
> > }
> >
> > It means that I have to exit using the command hx when closing a
> > terminal.  
> What about using `~/.bash_logout` to avoid the need of `hx`?

I had to do some research to even understand what you were asking.
With that caveat, it seems that a .bash_logout only executes on login
shells.  So, it would not save the history of terminals in X when they
were closed.  Am I misunderstanding?

I did find something that might work in that case, at this link.


~/.bash_logout is only run if it you explicitly exit the shell with
exit or logout, or by typing Control-D to enter an end-of-file at the
command prompt. If you close the terminal emulator, processes are sent
SIGHUP, and bash doesn’t run ~/.bash_logout in that case.

If you want to perform work any time bash exits (and whether it’s a
login shell or not), use trap foo EXIT. The most convenient way to do
this is to put your code in a shell function, e.g.,:

print_goodbye () { echo Goodbye; }
trap print_goodbye EXIT

Typing exit or logout is more keystrokes than hx, so .bash_logout is not
really compelling. The trap looks promising, I assume that I would put 
save_history_on_exit () {history -a;}
trap save_history_on_exit EXIT
in .bashrc.  Basically, running a .bash_logout in a different way.

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