Thank you for the info!

On úterý 2. května 2023 22:17:13 CEST Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Greetings everyone.
> Fedora Release engineering was made aware recently that some real builds
> seemed to have been done from commits not in any branch in the main
> repository for the package. All cases we are currently aware of were
> maintainers mistakenly building from a forked repo with a valid pull 
> request.
> On investigation, this was found to be due to some changes in how koji
> does the buildSRPMFromSCM task and us being unaware of the implications
> of that change.
> In short, when a pull request is created, pagure keeps track of those
> commits in refs/pulls. Previously koji did a 'git reset' to the exact
> commit, which would only work for commits on a branch. The new method 
> with 'git fetch' will follow refs and find the pull request commit.
> Upstream koji developers have created a plugin for us to check policy
> after the checkout and require official builds to be from a commit that
> is in a branch. This plugin has been deployed and is active.

This seems like a thing that should be opt-out (for scratch builds
e.g.), rather than opt-in by a plugin.  Don't you have a link to the
corresponding Koji change?


> Sorry for any confusion this issue may have caused.
> kevin

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