On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 5:34 PM Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com>

> On Wed, May 10, 2023, at 2:24 PM, Owen Taylor wrote:
> On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 12:02 PM Neal Gompa <ngomp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now, there's a second problem with reading everything from the ESP - it's
> slow for two reasons. First, because read speeds when going through the
> firmware are much slower than the Linux NVMe stack. And second, because we
> have to read everything in order to checksum and verify it.
> For that reason, Demi's suggestion of moving things onto a dm-verity
> protected partition is intriguing. Could that even be a loopback file on
> the ESP? It would be like a lazy-read system extension.
> The performance geek in me thinks "we could see exciting speedups from
> that!" - the practical side of me thinks "it might be a few second faster.
> And much more complex! Let's just go with efifb, keep the initramfs small,
> and accept any minor regressions".
> GRUB doesn't support dm-verity, but I don't know if it would make a
> difference if it did. Once the kernel has the ability to interact with
> physical storage, understand partitions, initialize dm-verity, and read a
> file systemt... it could just mount `/` . I think the only way the current
> initial root file system works with the kernel is for the bootloader to
> read an entire initrd file into RAM, and then the kernel can randomly
> access things in that RAM disk.

In this idea, the dm-verity parition/file would only be accessed from the
initrd, once we have enough kernel to ability to interact with physical
storage, understand partitions, initialize dm-verity, and read *a*
partition, but potentially not enough to read from a bluetooth keyboard,
show a graphical prompt, mount / from the network, etc.

What dm-verity provides here is a way to trust content without requiring it
to be read ahead of time, checksumed, signature checked and put into ram.

To be clear, I don't think this is necessarily the right way to go - I
think using efifb, not prompting for a passphrase when possible, etc, are
simpler approaches.

> It's early still for UKI details but I assume we will need both a
> universal UKI (all use cases), and much smaller use case focused UKIs. I
> say that because the desktops in the default installation configuration are
> the largest single use case. With Btrfs built-into the kernel, we don't
> need that much in the initrd to setup block devices, discover their
> contents, and perform switch root.
> The next most common use case(s), device-mapper and md based, require a
> pile of user space programs running to do all the work setting things up.
> Maybe we can just get away with two images, a simple fast one and the
> universal.

The elephant in the room is whether the "desktops in the default
installation" UKI requires piles of graphics firmware. It might not be at
all small in that case.

- Owen
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