On Tue, 30 May 2023 at 08:46, Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net> wrote:

> Once upon a time, Richard W.M. Jones <rjo...@redhat.com> said:
> > It seems as if the ISC dhcp package has been EOL'd upstream:
> >
> > https://www.isc.org/dhcp/
> I'm a little surprised that nobody has forked this to continue
> maintaining it.  dhcpd is widely used, and kea is far from a drop-in
> replacement.
It is also not sexy software and you have to deal with a very hornery set
of bug reports where everything going wrong in any office is of course
blamed on DHCP. [You also need to know about the deep intricacies of a ton
of flags and settings which may have stated RFC uses but have been misused
for decades because some hardware decided to reuse a flag for a boot-time
option. You 'fix' an issue and you usually find you broke some key
infrastructure no one 'knew' about except someone who retired 4 to 10 years

With that, I can see why ISC is 'burying' the software for some poor sucker
to take up.

Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
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-- Ian MacClaren
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