On Mon, 2023-06-19 at 18:01 -0400, JT wrote:
> In the original post, I took private to mean its own dedicated list... not 
> that it'd be hidden
> from view from everyone.  IMHO everything with Fedora should be in the open.  
> Bugs should be
> reported upstream, so I dont see why there would need to be any confidential 
> information dealt
> with by the SIG.   
> Security exploits for upstream applications shouldnt be dealt with upstream 
> and not here with a
> Fedora SIG.  There's no reason for exploit discussion of that nature unless 
> its something Fedora
> has introduced, at which point it's relevant and should be public so users 
> can be aware and
> address/mitigate any potential threat.
> JT 


I agree.



*** Playing the game for the games own sake. ***


* Debian Maintainer (DM)
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