Dne 27. 06. 23 v 12:30 Kalev Lember napsal(a):
On Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 11:02 AM Vít Ondruch <vondr...@redhat.com> wrote:

    I don't think that GCC is always the best example to follow.

    Nevertheless, wouldn't it be worth of phasing out the /lib64? I don't
    know what is the history behind, but I don't think this layout is

I would like to have a layout similar to what Debian is doing, so that shared libraries would go in /usr/lib/x86_64-redhat-linux/ and /usr/lib64 would be a legacy symlink pointing to it.

Yep, something like this was on my mind. It would probably not directly solve the original issue which triggered the question, but afterall, it would be closer to what upstreams do.

That kind of layout would make it much easier to do cross compilation because you could just take the whole /usr/lib/another-host-triplet/ directory from another architecture without it interfering with the host libraries and use it for cross compilation purposes.

It would be a lot of work transitioning to a new layout though.



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