On 8/7/23 12:38, Pavel Březina wrote:

IIUC, when 2228533 is resolved, I should switch from mdns[-|4|6]_minimal to mdns[-|4|6] and otherwise keep it as is?
The order of the modules should be also kept:

Current order  is:

hosts: files myhostname libvirt libvirt_guest mdns_minimal|mdns4_minimal|mdns6_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns
I wouldn't play with the order, because I don't understand it perfectly to make such decisions, so yes, keep the order as it is.


But I'm not a nss-mdns or avahi maintainer, just a maintainer of stacks which use mdns often - printing and scanning. I've got this opinion from issues in past, by checking nss-mdns code and by intention of minimizing of new work in authselect, unless it is necessary.


Yes, I admit current way of providing different plugins instead of one plugin with related configuration is unfortunate. Because it depends on avahi-daemon anyway, I hope it can be reduced to single plugin, where every customization can be done on side of avahi-daemon. But needs code modifications first, so waiting for a volunteer.

Zdenek Dohnal
Senior Software Engineer
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