On 8/15/23 09:51, Stephen Smoogen wrote:
Each of these groups have 'farms' of several hundred of each type of phone which get continual updates and they have a long certification process to make sure that they reach 'all the phones updated without problems and ran N hours without issues afterwards'. This is part of the reason it can take months for a release from The OS manufacturer (aka Android) to get pushed out to fleets of phones. It is fairly 'expensive' work with lots of little issues having to be tracked down and passed. [Because even when you 'built the phone' you find out that N% of that batch still acts slightly different from the rest on this update.]

In the desktop/computer mode this is just outside of anything that I think a volunteer oriented organization could try to make work at scale.
I do see your point that there's too much variability in the hardware and software setup to be able to exhaustively test all the upgrade paths, but Adam W. and his group do such excellent job of testing that I think statistically a failed update is a black swan. It would be nice to know the actual failure numbers, but we'd need some telemetry for that :).  Maybe the technical challenge that would solve this is rollback of failed updates. OStree arguably has an advantage here over file-based updates.

For what it's worth I personally was blessed with simple upgrade problems, fixed by temporarily deleting a bunch of large packages like KiCAD 3D models RPM, etc.  I was always able to upgrade, so my anecdata makes me trust Fedora updates. In fact, the main challenge I encountered is the accidental persistence of various 'experimental' UI and OS settings I did over time that result in a behavior different from a fresh install---I sometimes wish there was an interactive, granular 'restore factory defaults' option that would let me keep some settings and revert others.
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