On Wed, 2023-10-11 at 09:31 -0300, Priscila Gutierres wrote:
> Thank you,
> It works removing -t from %pyproject_buildrequires, EXCEPT if I keep all
> the pytest tests running
> When running the test, it blames about the modules needed for the tests, as
> you can see here: https://paste.centos.org/view/5f0e107a
> Deleting line 61 here: https://paste.centos.org/view/c25fee49, everything
> works as expected +_+

Well, yes, that's...expected. Removing -t means you're not generating
automatic build dependencies for the test suite, so the things the test
suite needs don't get installed.

As I said in my mail, if you want to run the tests - which you should!
- you either need to get upstream to make its dependency version
specifiers looser, patch them downstream before the dependency
generator runs, or don't use the dependency generator but specify the
BuildRequires manually based on the text file.
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
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