Adam Williamson kirjoitti 14.10.2023 klo 21.28:
Hey folks! I mentioned this in the blocker status summary email I just
sent, but figured it also deserved its own thread just to make sure
folks are aware of it. I've sent a ticket to FESCo:

proposing we bump the max size of the aarch64 Server netinst image
(which is release-blocking) from 700M to 1G. A detailed justification
is in the ticket. If you have passionate opinions on this, please read
the ticket and comment. Thanks :)

The discussion seems to happen in the FESCo ticket, but I will comment here anyway as I have heard that is the correct way.

I am not really involved with Fedora Server, but anyhow, if Adam and others are spending a lot of time to shrink installation images and the effect is measured in megabytes or less, I think that time is not well spent. Better increase the image size limit and let people concentrate on more important items.
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