On 15-01-2024 18:11, Miro Hrončok wrote:
On 15. 01. 24 16:46, Maxwell G wrote:
  Report started at 2024-01-15 15:04:52 UTC

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:


Depending on: python-Pympler (64), status change: 2024-01-05 (1 weeks ago)

    python-attrs (maintained by: @python-packagers-sig, churchyard, lbalhar)         python-attrs-23.1.0-4.fc39.src requires python3dist(pympler) = 1.0.1

This seems unused, I've opened:


The rest of the impacted packages pretty much depend on attrs, not pympler.

$ repoquery -q --repo=rawhide{,-source} --whatrequires python3-Pympler

That is correct and the suggested removal of Pympler from attrs will solve the problem for the indirectly impacted packages.

On the other hand, Pympler is what shows up on Packager Dashboard for orphan-impacted packages as "remotely depends on orphaned package". There, the dependency graph makes it clear that the intermediary package is python-attrs.

I'm thinking the distinction between directly impacted and remotely impacted as shown on the dashboard is actually rather helpful (as is the graph itself). Maybe that is something that could be improved in the scripts output?

For python-google-crc32c the list of indirectly impacted packages is rather long. In fact, so long that the script truncates it. When I looked into it last time, trying to find the connection between python-plotnine and google-crc32c, I eventually gave up. That was before I discovered the graph on the dashboard.

Today I ended up with something "horrible" like

fedrq wrsrc -X -F source python-google-crc32c | \
fedrq wrsrc -i -X -F source | \
fedrq wrsrc -i -X -F source | \
fedrq wrsrc -i -X -F source | \
fedrq wrsrc -i -X -F source

to arrive at plotnine.

I have yet to find a simple way of producing an output akin to the dashboard graph for showing the chain of dependencies between two packages. I'm open to suggestions.

-- Sandro
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