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# #meeting-1:fedoraproject.org: fedora_coreos_meeting

Meeting started by @dustymabe:matrix.org at 2024-01-24 16:30:20

Meeting summary
* TOPIC: Action items from last meeting (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:34:51)
    * INFO: there are no action items from the [last 
 (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:35:35)
* TOPIC: Switch to using OSBuild for most CoreOS boot image building 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:36:13)
    * LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1653 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:36:21)
    * AGREED: We will roll out disk image building using OSBuild to our 
`rawhide` mechanical stream first (this is a non-user facing stream). Then we 
will roll out OSBuild to the `next` stream and let it soak there for some time. 
We may choose to switch over `testing` before the rebase to F40, but we won't 
do it until F40 has at least reached `next` at F40 beta time. 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:52:30)
* TOPIC: fwupd enabled by default in VM builds (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:53:43)
    * LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1650 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:53:50)
    * LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1623 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 16:54:49)
    * INFO: we need someone to take a dedicated look at fwupd on Fedora CoreOS 
to fix any related issues (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:03:21)
* TOPIC: tracker: Fedora 40 changes considerations (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 
    * LINK: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1626 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:05:55)
    * INFO: 124. Golang 1.22 (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:06:31)
    * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/golang1.22 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:06:39)
    * ACTION: spresti to investigate if there are actions we need to take to 
pre-test golang 1.22 before it hits rawhide (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:13:00)
    * INFO: 125. Enable IPv4 Address Conflict Detection by default 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:13:44)
    * LINK: 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:13:51)
    * ACTION: dustymabe to open an issue for further investigating `Enable IPv4 
Address Conflict Detection` (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:19:48)
    * INFO: topic 126. LLVM 18 (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:20:12)
    * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/LLVM-18 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:20:24)
    * INFO: for LLVM this should not affect us or should be transparent to us 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:21:00)
    * INFO: topic 127. Remove Python Mock Usage (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 
    * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RemovePythonMockUsage 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:22:00)
    * INFO: in our CoreOS org we don't really ship any python packages in 
Fedora so there should be no work for us to do. (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 
    * INFO: 128. Change Firefox desktop file (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:23:07)
    * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RenameFirefoxDesktopFile 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:23:13)
    * INFO: Nothing to do. We don't ship Firefox. (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 
    * INFO: 129. Assign individual, stable MAC addresses for Wi-Fi connections 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:23:45)
    * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/StableSSIDMACAddress 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:23:54)
    * ACTION: jlebon to open an issue for F40 communications 
(@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:27:20)
    * INFO: we don't ship wifi enabled by default in FCOS but we do know people 
layer it in. We should highlight this change to our users when communicating 
F40 changes. (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:28:12)
* TOPIC: open floor (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:29:17)
    * INFO: jlebon filed 
https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1655 (@jlebon:fedora.im, 
    * ACTION: fifofonix to coordinate with travier a time to collaborate and 
understand the problems more (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:31:27)
    * ACTION: fifofonix to coordinate with travier a time to collaborate and 
understand the problems related to fwupd more (@dustymabe:matrix.org, 17:31:36)

Meeting ended at 2024-01-24 17:33:53

Action items
* spresti to investigate if there are actions we need to take to pre-test 
golang 1.22 before it hits rawhide 
* dustymabe to open an issue for further investigating `Enable IPv4 Address 
Conflict Detection` 
* jlebon to open an issue for F40 communications 
* fifofonix to coordinate with travier a time to collaborate and understand the 
problems more 
* fifofonix to coordinate with travier a time to collaborate and understand the 
problems related to fwupd more 

People Present (lines said)
* @dustymabe:matrix.org (82)
* @siosm:matrix.org (28)
* @jlebon:fedora.im (14)
* @zodbot:fedora.im (6)
* @spresti:fedora.im (5)
* @jbtrystram:matrix.org (3)
* @fifofonix:matrix.org (3)
* @ydesouza:fedora.im (2)
* @apiaseck:matrix.org (2)
* @gurssing:matrix.org (2)
* @mnguyen:fedora.im (2)
* @jmarrero:matrix.org (1)
* @ravanelli:matrix.org (1)
* @yselkowitz:fedora.im (1)
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