In one week (2024-03-25), or slightly later, I plan to update the flatbuffers package to 24.3.7 in F41/Rawhide[1]. As usual, this includes an SONAME version bump. Upstream follows calendar versioning and does not attempt to keep the ABI stable across releases.

Unless a maintainer asks me to do otherwise, I will use provenpackager privileges to rebuild the dependent packages in a side tag:

    - hyperhdr

    - onnxruntime

    - qdigidoc

All of these rebuilt successfully in a COPR impact check[2].

I will *not* build this version for F40/Branched (even though there is time before the Final Freeze), because python-torch in F40 depends on an exact version of flatbuffers. This could be fixed by running flatc as part of the python-torch build, but an unrelated FTBFS would have to be fixed first. In F41, python-torch bundles the same version of flatbuffers that upstream used to pre-generate the flatbuffers bindings, and it does not depend on the system flatbuffers package.


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