I have dealt with bugs where a library runs well in JRE 11, but crashes when run in JRE 17 because the InetSocketAddress implementation changed. Totally unrelated with the language features or bytecode versions.

Nevertheless, even in that case, if I bring in that library from the distro repo, I wouldn't want that lib to also bring JRE 11, because I'll be running my app in JRE 17, however, ... I'd learn quickly that it fails.

The other way around can happen too, a library runs well in 17, but crashes in JRE 11 because of that InetSocketAddress change, for example.

How could that be expressed so that those are caught quickly at build time? Someone wants to depend on a java lib that has been tested only in JRE 8 to 11, but wants to build the package with JRE 17+, or vice-versa, for example. Perhaps, the only feasible way to detect that case is with CI.

On 5/2/24 11:58, Christopher wrote:
On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 6:59 AM Kevin Kofler via devel
<devel@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

Carlos Rodriguez-Fernandez wrote:
Regarding the proposal as a whole, I think the proposal idea makes a lot
of sense, but for apps depending on system jar libraries, there should
be a way to specify that the app depends on a specific java bytecode
version range. System libraries packages could provide compatibility
packages, so couldn't those apps just depend on those compatibility
packages instead? That can become a maintenance burden for those libs,

The safest approach for library JARs would be to always build them against
the lowest possible Java version (the oldest JDK branch that we still ship
if the library supports that, otherwise the oldest the library supports).
And IMHO, if the library is built against a higher version than the lowest
we ship, it needs a versioned Requires on the JRE.

         Kevin Kofler

I have noticed that the `--release` flag on javac (JDK>=9) actually
enforces JLS compliance more strictly than even compiling with the
specific version it targets. For example, it is possible to write a
project that is non-compliant with the Java 8 JLS that the Java 8
compiler will incorrectly permit without error. Such a project will
not work properly on Java 9 and newer JREs. However, if JDK 9 were
used to compile the project with `javac --release 8`, the compiler
will catch the non-compliance with the Java 8 JLS that the JDK 8
compiler failed to catch, forcing compliance with Java 8, and allowing
the resulting byte code to work on JRE 9 and later.

So, I actually think that building with the *latest* JDK that we ship,
and using the `--release` flag during compilation is actually safer
than building against the lowest that we support, because it is most
likely to strictly enforce correct byte code generation for the target
JRE. But, this requires project maintainers to explicitly add the use
of the `--release` flag if the upstream build does not already set it
in some way. Doing this, it should not matter which of our JDKs it
builds with, but building with the latest available (rather than the
oldest available, as Kevin suggests) will have the best chance for
compliance-related bugs to be fixed (but only if the `--release` flag
is used). Of course, there are many ways to break Java libraries
across JRE versions, but the one I'm focusing on here is one that is
preventable, due to JDK enforcement of JLS compliance during
compilation, which is more strict in newer JDKs than in earlier ones.

If upstream's oldest supported JRE is still supported by the
`--release` flag by the JDK used in Fedora's build, then it should be
fine to just specify that version, even if it is older than the oldest
JRE that Fedora ships. In such cases, it might not technically be
necessary to specify a Requires for the JRE. However, if the oldest
supported JRE in the upstream project is newer than Fedora's oldest
shipped JRE, then having the Requires >= would still be needed. For
example, if Fedora ships JRE 11, 17, and 21, and the upstream project
targets Java 8, then it should be fine to build that project using JDK
21 with `--release 8` and have no Requires. However, if upstream
targets Java 11, then building using JDK 21 with `--release 11` would
be okay, but you'd need Requires >= 11 (or maybe Recommends >= 11 ?).

I don't object to the original proposal, though. There have been times
I've wanted to install a Java library not to run it, but to inspect
the jar with a third-party tool (or even just vim). But, I think it's
important for Java package maintainers to be aware of what versions
their packages' upstream projects are targeting, and make sure they
are built correctly for Fedora using Fedora's JDKs. I also think it's
important that Fedora packagers communicate the JRE requirements for
each package *if* it were to be run. Maybe that can be done with
Recommends instead of Requires? I'm not sure about that part, but I
acknowledge that installing a library is not the same as intending for
it to be run.

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