On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 02:51:11PM +0000, Paul Howarth wrote:
> RPM traditionally treats unversioned provides as meaning "any version". 
> Over on perl-devel list, it's been suggested that this is a bug in rpm.
> Googling around, I can't find any specific rationale for why rpm does 
> this as opposed to say providing version 0. Can anybody enlighten me?

I think it is for symmetry reasons:

  Requires: foo         require any version/release of foo
  Requires: foo = 1     require version 1 of foo, any release
  Requires: foo = 1-1   require version 1 of foo, release 1

  Provides: foo         provide any version/release of foo
  Provides: foo = 1     provide version 1 of foo, any release
  Provides: foo = 1-1   provide version 1 of foo, release 1
Also, if it always provides version 0 there would be no way to
tell it to provide all versions. So it's more flexible the
way that it is.

(Yes, Debian is different in that regard: versioned requires
never match unversioned provides for them. But they also don't
support an "any release" matcher.)


Michael Schroeder                                   m...@suse.de
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF Markus Rex, HRB 16746 AG Nuernberg
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