On 04/04/2011 04:04 PM, Jared K. Smith wrote:
> The time has come to vote for the release name for Fedora 16. The
> Fedora community has submitted quite a few suggestions for the Fedora
> 16 release name, and that list has been narrowed down to the final
> nine candidates. Now you can vote on these names and assist in the
> final selection for the successor of Fedora 15 "Lovelock".
It's a touch choice between "Beefy Miracle" and "Omoto" -- while the
former is wacky fun, "Omoto" would let us express our concerns for the
Japanese quake/tsunami/nuclear evacuation victims.. (yes, it's in the
opposite corner of Japan, but still)

Best regards,

Michel Alexandre Salim

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