On Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:39:13 +1000
Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 03, 2011 at 02:21:14AM +0300, Jussi Lehtola wrote:
> > However, given that the problematic package only appeared in Fedora
> > 10 and upgrade paths are guaranteed by Fedora policy only from
> > F(N-1) to F(N), I'd say that there's probably no need to fix this
> > any more, since any remaining installations haven't had updates for
> > ages and upgrading to a current release cleanly would require a
> > clean reinstall anyway.
> true, but anyone who would have had hulahop installed at F-10 time
> and did the (guaranteed) update to F11, F12, ... F15 at the right
> times would still have this issue now, right?
> tbh, it seems to be corner case enough to just say "uninstall and
> re-install" but nonetheless...

Yes. It's just a bit hard to believe that there would be still a lot of 
systems suffering from this, since yum would have complained about the
problem on every update, and you haven't had a single bug report about
the issue in a time period of more than two years..?
Jussi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor
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