On 06/05/2011 11:11 PM, Remi Collet wrote:
> fusioninventory-agent and perl-Fusion* are ready in my personal 
> repository for some time.
> I plan to submit it to fedora, as all perl dependencies are now 
> available (in fedora, not in epel, need to fill a lot of bug).
> Just need to tweak the service script to work correctly with systemd.
Wow, thank you so much for this.
> features.
> Mainly because some plugins, availalble in the repository, are not 
> available and I don't want to break anything (mainly datainjection)
> As data_injection is now available (2.0.1-beta), I plan to push glpi 
> 0.78.5 in the repo.
> (glpi 0.80 is also available, but most of plugins are not yet compatible)
> I also plan to package the fusioninventory plugin for glpi, but I have 
> only work on the old version for glpi 0.72 (also in my personnal repo).
> See : http://blog.famillecollet.com/en?q=fusioninventory
> Remi.
Thank you also for this. I really appreciate all you Fedora packagers
do. Thank you all!


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