Josef Bacik <josef <at>> writes:

> ...
> We've reached the point where we really need wider user
> testing, because no amount of testing we do will ever be able to match
> up to the crazy things users do.

Please understand - convincing people (technical and non-technical) to
install a regular Fedora with a new fs is always tricky.
Just a prospect of having your machine work for a month or so and
accumulating confidence and data ... and suddenly stairing into a black ...
is a bit unnerving :-)

Now just a loud thinking ...
Have you thought about first preparing a CD (even a live CD) with BTRFS and
some extra preinstalled software like VirtualBox etc just for testing ?
This way you would address your need for wider testing and have a receptive
audience to do just that on their own terms.
Also, it would be a great way to assure testers/users (and discover some
"crazy behavior" effects) before making BTRFS a default fs in Fedora.

Btw, we do understand that you put a lot of time and effort into it, really.
And we appreciate it, really.

But sometimes, technical people have a problem with selling the fruits of
their work to the "unwashed" masses who are not aware of all technical
details but are confronted with the prospect of being testers/users of still
risky technology (and their assets at risk ...).

Anyway, we wish you well and hope that you make BTRFS avaiable to us when


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