On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 11:22:08PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-07-23 at 14:00 -0700, Douglas Myers–Turnbull wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Just something I wanted to bring to attention:
> > 
> > Java 7 is slated for release (after years of hassle and heated debate)
> > on 28 July, 2011.
> > I think this would be an important feature to include for the Fedora
> > 16 release, and the months between Java's release and Fedora 16's 25
> > October release would allow plenty of time to integrate Java 7. If I'm
> > not mistaken, if Java 7 isn't released this time around, it won't be
> > in Fedora until the Fedora 17 release rolls around, nearly a year (!)
> > after Java 7 is released.
> > 
> > I created an unfinished, skeletal feature page here:
> > http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Java7
> > Unfortunately, I don't have the knowledge to help build it. I'm
> > announcing it here in case whoever maintains Java 6 in Fedora, or
> > someone else, is interested.
> as I always point out when this comes up, in the hopes that it'll
> eventually irritate someone enough that they go fix the feature process,
> the option is open to simply put Java 7 in without it being a 'Fedora
> feature'. If you do it that way, you could do it right up to, hmm, the
> post-Beta final freeze without there being any firm policy grounds on
> which to object to the change. it's only if you declare it to be a
> Feature that FESCo is clearly empowered to tell you you can't do it. ;)
> (I note with interest Toshio's neat caveat to this, which appears later
> in the thread.)
Actually, I'd consider this to be very bad advice.  There have been several
Features over the past few releases that FESCo has decided on late.  Those
things were sometimes made into features only after prompting by people who
realized that the changes were unannounced features.

Things that require coordination between maintainers are a feature and FESCo
has a right to veto them whether the authors of the feature have followed
the feature process or not.  The policy encompasses anything defined as
a feature:



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