On Wed, 27.07.11 10:30, Karel Zak (k...@redhat.com) wrote:

> > Note that there are a number of 3rd party projects making use of
> > ~/.config/bin afaik, including jhbuild which installs its executable to
> > that dir.
>  It would be nice to clean up $HOME, radically reduce the number of
>  the subdirectories and config files in the $HOME. If *all* the garbage
>  will be in ~/local/{etc,bin,lib,var/log} then nobody will care if the
>  directory is hidden. My wish is
>   $ ls -ls ~/
>   drwxrwxr-x. 31 kzak kzak   4096 Jul 26 15:54 .
>   drwxrwxr-x. 13 kzak kzak   4096 Jul 26 15:49 ..
>   drwxr-xr-x   2 kzak kzak   4096 Jul 26 15:54 local
>  and nothing other, .mozilla, vimrc, bash_profile, .xsession-errors,
>  etc. all could be in ~/local, but then the directory should be really
>  visible.

Well, for ~/.local we already have a spec and have had it since a couple
of years, and it is implemented in KDE and in GNOME.

If you don't hide ~/.local and ~/.config then users who are less savvy
than us might wonder what thzat stuff is and delete it and nothing will
stop them and then all their configuration is lost.

I think the discussion where to place this is moot anyway, as the spec
has been written years ago and widely (though not universally)
implemented, and we should just stick to it, since where it to place it
is nothing more than bike shedding anyway.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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