Once upon a time, Jon Ciesla <l...@jcomserv.net> said:
> > On 08/29/2011 05:24 PM, Karel Zak wrote:
> > IIRC,  you are upstream for this and could do this change upstream and
> > then, there wouldn't be a debate about this here.  Otherwise,  make
> > ddate a sub package and don't install it by default.   Solved?
> >
> Acceptable to me, but is the extra metadata for another RPM worth the
> space savings?

Is that why this is being done?  Space savings?  On my F15 system,
ddate, the README, and the manual pages account for 22k.

If space is the justification, there's lots of better places to start.
Why does util-linux have two floppy disk formatters (/usr/bin/floppy and
/usr/sbin/fdformat)?  How many tools do we really need for partitioning
disks and managing partitions (util-linux has fdisk, sfdisk, cfdisk,
partx, blockdev, all with associated documentation)?

Note: I am NOT saying any of that should be removed.  I'm just saying
that "space savings" as justification of removing ddate is stupid.
Chris Adams <cmad...@hiwaay.net>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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