Dear Pino maintainers,

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 3:30 PM,  <> wrote:
> pino has broken dependencies in the rawhide tree:
> On x86_64:
>        pino-0.3-0.3.20101112hg.fc15.x86_64 requires
> On i386:
>        pino-0.3-0.3.20101112hg.fc15.i686 requires
> Please resolve this as soon as possible.
Rawhide now has libgee 0.7; upstream has changed their versioning
system so that, like Vala, the odd minor releases have API levels
equal to the next even number (thus libgee 0.7 is at API level 0.8 and
ships with gee-0.8.pc)

I tried making a test build with the CMakeLists.txt patched, but it
looks like there are other changes that need to be made:

- src/accounts_widget.vala, line 38: Vala 0.13.x does not seem to like
'public static enum', removing the static allows compilation to

- DSO linking problem: trunc is used, requiring -lm to link against

Given that several changes are needed, it's probably best for one of
the Pino maintainers to make the update (I'd not feel comfortable
doing anything more than just adjusting for the libgee changes)

Best regards,

Michel Alexandre Salim
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