Am 14.09.2011 06:52, schrieb Rahul Sundaram:
> It is a small number of people repeating bringing up high risk and
> frankly silly ideas like updating to a major new version of a core
> component in a update without sufficient justification for taking that
> risk

if fedora has a problem with updates for components like systemd this
components should be thrown out with much more care than it happended
with systemd - if you throw me unfinished beta-components on my system
you are responsilbe to bring also umprovements to me or hold back your
stuff until it is ready

would fedora have been waiting for F17/F18 until systemd is really
ready we would not have this problem - but after forcing everybody
with new intel-hardware (sandy bridge) update to F15 because even
the network does not work with the outdated F14 kernel and force
a switch to systemd at the same time and then force the users to
upgrade again to F16 as soon as possible to get systemd updated
is simply the wrng way and if such decisions will happen too often
so terrible wrong fedora will lose reputation over the time

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