2011/9/15 Richard Shaw <hobbes1...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Manuel Escudero <jmlev...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi there Fedora People!!
> >
> > One of my biggest passions in life is audio editing, so when I started
> using
> > Linux I found this friendly (yet powerful) audio editor called
> "Jokosher".
> > When I
> > installed Fedora 15, I realized that jokosher wasn't added to the F15
> repos
> > and I missed it a lot, so I built an RPM using the lastest source code
> the
> > jokosher developers have on their website:
> > http://www.jokosher.org/
> > and now I want to share it with you guys, so if someone wants to
> > add it to the official repos that might be awesome, the download
> > links are down here:
> > RPM -
> >
> http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/xenodecdn/jokosher-0.11.5-0.fc15.noarch.rpm
> > SRC.RPM -
> >
> http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/xenodecdn/jokosher-0.11.5-0.fc15.src.rpm
> > it's a "noarch" package so it can be installed in both 32 and 64 bit
> > systems,
> > Enjoy!
> I pulled the SRPM and gave it a look over. Pretty good overall! I'm
> not sure how much you've packaged before but I couldn't find much
> wrong with it. Here's what I did find:
> 1. Why is the license GPLv2+ "with exceptions"?
> 2. I got rid of %clean and "rm -rf %{buildroot}" in %install. You
> don't need those anymore.
> 3. I got rid of a lot of the white space in the description and fixed
> one spelling error (rpmlint is your friend).
> 4. %exclude in %files for the Profiling.py file is not the way to go.
> That works well for excluding files you want in a separate
> sub-package. In this case because the file (nor the byte-compiled
> versions) are needed at all, I used "rm -f
> %{buildroot}%{python_sitelib}/Jokosher/Profiler.py*" in %install
> instead.
> 5. I changed the release to "1" since it's from the stable source
> instead of a pre-release checkout.
> 6. Added "python2-devel" as a build requirement[1].
> Here's the updated SRPM:
> http://hobbes1069.fedorapeople.org/jokosher/jokosher-0.11.5-1.fc15.src.rpm
> So the question remains, instead of seeing if someone else will submit
> it, why not submit it yourself?
> Thanks,
> Richard
> [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Python#BuildRequires
> --
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> devel@lists.fedoraproject.org
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Hi Richard:

I'm not much of a packager, just learned the basics experimenting
with Kmess some time ago... What I did was pulling an old RPM from
F14 with pretty old Source code and then Rebuild a new package with
the lastest source code, making some very little changes to the spec file.

Humm I might be interested in pulling it into the repos if I knew how
to do that but I'm not informed about that topic very much, so Don't
Know how to submit it :S

Manuel Escudero
Linux User #509052
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