On 09/22/2011 05:58 PM, Till Maas wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 09:15:38AM +0200, Marcela Mašláňová wrote:
>> I hope you don't suggest for every rebuild of few dependent packages one
>> FESCo ticket.
> This is what is currently required to ask FES for help. It is certainly
> a lot better and more efficient to open one FESCo and one FES ticket to
> get dependent packages rebuild than to open several Bugzilla tickets for
> each dependent package. If the respective maintainer can perform the
> rebuilds all by himself, then there is off course no need to ask for
> help from FES.

Does the word "bureaucracy" ring a bell to you?

You to me sound like a the proverbial German "Finanzbeamter" (tax 
officer), who wonders why people are sick of filling out forms.

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