On Wed, 05.10.11 09:18, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" (johan...@gmail.com) wrote:

> On 10/05/2011 08:55 AM, Steven Whitehouse wrote:
> > Ok, excellent, so there is really just one issue to try and resolve in
> > that case I think, which is the ordering of mounts vs. gfs_controld
> > start,
> Hum...
> Could that be solved either by creating mount/path units ( for the mount 
> point ) and or by adding to gfs_controld.service  Before=local-fs.target 
> if it needs network support the unit section of that service file would 
> look something like this..
> [Unit]
> Requires=network.target
> After=network.target
> Before=local-fs.target

That won't really work, as network.target is generally accepted to
something that is started after basic.target (for example, because
network.target is ordered after NM which is a normal service and hence
started after basic.target). basic.target is ordered after
local-fs.target however, which basically means by specifiying the above
you'd create a dep loop "network before gfs before local-fs before basic
before NM before network".


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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