On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Mattias Ellert
<mattias.ell...@fysast.uu.se> wrote:
> mån 2011-10-31 klockan 19:02 +0100 skrev Till Maas:
>> I guess the directory /usr/share/icons/hicolor and the usual
>> subdirectories should be owned by the filesystem package.
>> Regards
>> Till
> hicolor-icon-theme is a filesystem package. Apart from a README, a
> COPYING, a Changelog and one %ghost it contains one (1) file.
> And 340 directories.
> This is the filesystem package that packages that install icons are
> supposed to depend on.
>        Mattias

That's the answer I needed.  Thank you.  IMO, this is not clear in the
current packaging guidelines.  In fact, the icon cache section says:
"Note that no dependencies should be added for this."  It appears that
it is actually talking about not depending on gtk2 or
/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache, but that is confusing the issue of
depending on hicolor-icon-theme.  Could the packaging committee please
clarify this issue?

Jerry James
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