
Is it possible to configure koji to do a package rebuild when key
components are submitted?

For example, xorg-x11 is currently messed up for a number of
subpackages (as is libreoffice - poppler seems broken again). What
would be great would be if when xorg-x11 is rebuild, all of the
xorg-x11 subpackages are automagically rebuilt and if one of those
fails, then the main package fails and so some of the rawhide issues
get avoided and nice things like the x server stays up.

Okay, this might not be possible, but it would make life less painful!

I'd suggest xorg, gcc and possibly glibc as prime candidates for this.

(yes, I know rawhide eats babies and it's a risk I've been taking now
for years [I can't remember the last time I ran using anything other
than rawhide on my own box])
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