On 21 November 2011 14:43, Jonathan Underwood
<jonathan.underw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just started looking at packaging Yorick[1][2], an interpreted
> programming language for scientific simulations. It seems that this is
> BSD licensed and so would be suitable for packaging in Fedora.
> However, by default and design it has a really horrible filesystem
> layout[3], with files under the following directory:
> relocate/  files required for building compiled packages, and:
>  bin/     binary executables
>  lib/     binary libraries for compiled packages
>  include/ header files for compiled package APIs
>  i0/      interpreted code required for yorick to start
>  i/       optional interpreted code libraries
>  i-start/ interpreted code that autoloads at startup
>  g/       graphics style files, palettes, and templates
>  doc/     documentation files
> According to the docs[3], it's possible to move the whole "relocate"
> directory elsewhere (eg. to be under /usr), but not to move
> directories underneath the main directory. This of course violates our
> packaging guidelines in many ways.
> Before I look into what's required to patch this beast to meet the
> packaging guidelines, I wonder if anyone else has tried packaging it,
> and/or wants to help?

The last time I tried packaging this I am not sure Fedora was around.
It was a bear at that point and it doesn't seem to have gotten any
better. What I remember happening was it ended up being better to use
tar balls and their own methods because it was too painful otherwise.
But I am talking about something I did several job lifetimes ago.

Stephen J Smoogen.
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Randy Nelson, President of Pixar University.
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