Am 22.11.2011 01:59, schrieb Toshio Kuratomi:
> The updates policy is meant to protect users of Fedora within reason.
> Compiling, writing, and using third party software on Fedora is a valid use
> of Fedora whether or not that software exists within Fedora.  This update
> may be acceptable because the bugs fixed were deemed more worthwhile than
> the changes that were introduced but that decision should not hinge upon the
> availability of affected software within Fedora but upon the popularity of
> such software among users of Fedora, the ease with which that software can
> be made to work with Fedora once the change goes in, and how those questions
> weigh against the issues that are resolved by the new version.
> If those aren't the criteria that we want to use then the updats policy (and
> possibly the updates vision) should be amended.

please complain on the rpmfusion list why th e hell they are not
maintain their packages as they stopped support open-vm-tools
for F15 and do not blame fedora that it will not happen again
like with F14 that a brand new operating system does not support
current hardware and yes a 6 month old release is brand new

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