On 11/22/2011 06:51 PM, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> What do people see as pros and cons continuing to use the current
> package ownership model?

ownership <=> responsibility

> Would it be practical to dropping it altogether which in essence would
> make every contributor an "proven packager"?


a) This would allow any arbitrary clueless newbie to hack around in 
stuff he fails to understand he is not qualified to do.
b) This would encourage an attitude of "lazyness" (Others will do)

> Would it be viable to move to something like language SIG based
> ownership of packages?
Yes, except that this kind of model would require an amount of 
bureacratic overhead Fedora is not able to supply.

> Thoughts?
> Far off and totally crazy, you are mad!
No you are naive ;)


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