On 12/12/2011 10:29 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-12-12 at 22:26 +0200, Ville Skyttä wrote:
>> On 12/12/2011 10:16 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
>>> There was some discussion a while back about preventing certain
>>> extensions from being uploaded to the lookaside cache. Could ".patch"
>>> be added to that list?
>> Please don't do that.  In my opinion the lookaside cache is the proper
>> place for patches for which the Fedora package is not the upstream, for
>> example ones downloaded from web SCM or other URLs.
> This is wrong.

Your opinion may differ, but no, it's not wrong.  They're upstream files.

> Patches should never be in the lookaside cache, because
> it is very difficult to view them.

IMO if that'd be a consideration, the lookaside cache shouldn't really
exist at all, everything should be in git instead.

> Patches in git can easily be glanced at in gitweb.

Patches in external URLs can be easily glanced just by accessing the
external URL which is in the specfile.
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