
As you're aware, as of F15 we changed our default init system from
sysvinit to systemd.  But we have lots and lots of packages with
daemons, and not all have thus far been migrated.  Some maintainers
haven't responded, some are too busy, some aren't sure how to go about
it.  In many cases, unit files have been posted by helpful individuals
(Thanks Jóhann B. Guðmundsson!) but they're not yet in the packages.

If you're a Provenpackager, check out these two tracking bugs:

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=751869 (mostly this one)

And have a look at:


Look through, find something that looks manageable, and volunteer.
Most maintainers will be receptive, I think, but remember, offer/ask
before jumping in.  If they're not responsive, we'll cross that bridge

Thanks in advance!


in your fear, seek only peace
in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie
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