On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 4:05 AM, Tore Anderson <t...@fud.no> wrote:
> However, this is not the only problem related to IPv6. I just tested the
> F17 Alpha Live CD, and one particular egregious issue is that by
> default, the toggle «Require IPv4 addressing for this connection to
> complete» is enabled in NM's connection profiles. This essentially means
> that IPv6-only networks are not supported out by default. If I try to
> connect the F17 Alpha to an IPv6-only WLAN (not making any changes to the
> default settings), the connection is successfully activated and remains
> fully functional for about 40 seconds, at which point NM gives up on
> waiting for replies from the non-existent DHCPv4 server. Then the entire
> connection is torn down, IPv6 included, before the process starts over
> again in a seemingly endless loop.

Interesting.  I'm seeing kind of the inverse problem:
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=771130.  Could that be
related to the issues discussed in this thread?
Jerry James
devel mailing list

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