On 03/02/2012 12:41 PM, Aleksandar Kurtakov wrote:
Nope, if you are a packager already and you have a unit file you want to push 
in my package just ask me about commit rights via pkgdb and a mail explaining 
it and I'll definetely approve your request and I'm pretty sure that a number 
of packagers will do that too.

I'm not a packager already nor can I become one since I dont want to maintain a single package in the distribution since "it does not scratch my ich" but I would like to be able to fix things if I do come across them at least with regards to spec files changes. ( There is atleast one feature ( systemd preset ) on the horizon that might require spec file changes and that in turn means spec file changes for the equal amount packages that are daemon/services in the distribution and somebody will have to do that work )

But I do certainly understand what your getting at since a week back I was suggesting changes to one of the component ( nothing to do with systemd ) we ship by default and adding configuration files for few other components so we could deliver better out of the box experience to our end user base and the relevant maintainer agreed and told me that he had noticed that I was up for PP and I should just go ahead and fix it myself once I had been approved since this was not high enough on the priority list for him fix...

But as things are now I cant become a proven packager since I'm not already an packager and I never will become a packager since I dont want to be maintaining a package in the distribution so really there is no place for people like me that want to fix things without having to maintaining an package in the distribution first...

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