Hey, everyone.

I've noticed recently that the level of karma filing for F16 and F17
seems to be down somewhat. Could just be me misinterpreting things, but
I thought I'd fire off a reminder anyway. Even though proventesters has
been suspended, we still need karma on updates - it just doesn't matter
whether or not you're a proven tester now. Updates still need karma to
go stable. So please do carry on running fedora-easy-karma and filing
update feedback regularly! There are quite a few updates for both
releases going stale. Thanks everyone!

Maintainers, you can consider lowering the threshold from +3 for
autopush of updates in some cases. It's only a default, not a
requirement. If you're fairly confident an update is small and
well-tested, it probably doesn't need +3 karma, you could consider
choosing +1 or +2 instead.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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