On 04/02/2012 09:08 PM, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> 2012/3/27 "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johan...@gmail.com>:
>> On 03/27/2012 05:15 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>>> I assume that that mod_access_compat module only requires a few bytes, so> I
>>> don't see why it should not be loaded by default forever (or at least as
>>> long as upstream supports it, which hopefully will be for the whole 2.4
>>> cycle).
>> Few bytes for mod_access_compat here, few bytes for something else there....
> I suppose this needs repeating from time to time.  One byte of disk
> space costs .00000000008065817067$ on the best-selling hard drive
> around here.  Even if there were 100 million Fedora users (which is a
> huge overestimate AFAIK), that is $0.008 for all Fedora users
> together.  Compare to a tens of minutes, or hours, per affected user
> that needs to update their system.  Disk space at this scale just
> cannot be a reason to drop legacy interfaces.  (There might be other
> arguments, such as maintenance manpower.)
>>> Of course, web app packages in Fedora itself SHOULD be updated to the new
>>> directives, but that's not a reason to gratuitously break the old ones.
>> It's my experience that things dont seem to get fixed unless they are broken
> Is that another way of saying that "only broken things need fixing"? :)
>     Mirek

Upstream apparently wants to establish a new interface for this so I think
it would be a good idea to promote this too if possible.

Is there a way to only pull in mod_access_compat only on updates but not on
new installs? That would be the best option I think as it would not break
existing installations that get updated but allows new setups to either not
have to deal with the legacy stuff at all or at least see that there are
some changes going on there.

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